Nicotine Replacement Therapy
April 26, 2024

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

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Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco. When an individual uses tobacco, various body parts get used to nicotine. When an individual quits tobacco, they also quit nicotine and will probably have withdrawal signs from it. This is because the body has been used to not having nicotine.

The nicotine in tobacco leads to physical dependence, which can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when an individual tries to quit. The replacement therapy provides you nicotine in the form of gum, sprays, and inhalers but not the harmful chemicals in tobacco. The nicotine replacement therapy can aid in some physical withdrawal symptoms so that you can concentrate on the psychological aspects of quitting.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

What Are The Types Of Nicotine Replacement Therapy?

The Food and Drug Administration has approved five forms of therapy for tobacco addiction which are as follows:

  • Nicotine Gums can be brought without a doctor's prescription and is a fast-acting form of replacement. Nicotine is consumed through the mouth's mucous membrane and comes in 2-4 mg strength.
  • Nicotine Patches can be bought without any doctor's prescription and gives a measured dose of nicotine through the skin. An individual is weaned off nicotine by switching to lower-dose patches over weeks.
  • Nicotine nasal spray is available only by prescription and quickly delivers nicotine to the blood as it is absorbed through the nose. It relieves withdrawal symptoms very instantly and lets you control your nicotine cravings.
  • Nicotine Inhaler is available only through prescription and is a thin plastic tube with a nicotine cartridge inside. Instead of other inhalers that deliver most of the medicines to the lungs, the nicotine inhalers deliver most of the nicotine vapour to the mouth and throat, where it is absorbed in the bloodstream.
  • Nicotine Lozenge can be purchased without a prescription and is available in two strengths, i.e. 2 and 4 mg. The required dose should be based on how long after waking up an individual normally has their first cigarette. Few individuals using nicotine replacement therapy prefer lozenge to nicotine gum as its utilization is less visible.

Selecting The Right Nicotine Replacement Therapy For You

No single or combined form of nicotine replacement therapy is clinically proven to be the best. While selecting a nicotine replacement therapy, one should consider the method that best suits their lifestyle, smoking pattern or smokeless tobacco. For example, does anyone want to chew continuously or keep their hands busy? Are you searching for one-time convenience and how frequently are you controlling the nicotine cravings?

Here are the steps how one can choose the tobacco dependence program for them:

  • Nicotine gums, inhalers and lozenges are used as supplements for keeping the mouth engaged so that cravings are under control.
  • Lozenges and nicotine gums are generally free from sugar but consult with professionals if you have diabetes.
  • The nicotine nasal sprays work rapidly and come in handy when required.
  • The nicotine inhalers work as pseud-cigarettes, i.e., a single puff could hold the inhaler and ill effects of cigarette.
  • The nicotine patches are convenient for a single day, as they can be put on a single day.
  • Nasal sprays and inhalers require a prescription from physicians.
  • It is not recommendable for persons struggling with allergies or other ailments to use nasal sprays, inhalers or patches.
  • The nicotine gums might stick to dental works or dentures, making it difficult to chew.

Nicotine replacement therapy is inefficient because of the different doses you are using or stopping before use. The best tobacco addiction treatment aids in setting suitable doses for individuals who wish to manage cravings through nicotine replacement therapy.

Eliminate Challenges Of Nicotine Replacement Therapy

It is prudent to use nicotine replacement therapy for a limited time frame. The dosage should be gradually tapered down before discontinuing. Recent studies do not show the benefits of long-term nicotine replacement therapy influencing successful abandoning. However, long-term nicotine replacement therapy is chosen over smoking.

Research is still being conducted to refine nicotine replacement therapy's utility for addiction treatment. If one feels that they require the therapy for longer than recommended, it is best to discuss this with mental health professionals.

Nicotine replacement therapy has the potential to cause dependence. Nicotine is highly addictive, and individuals might transfer their addiction from tobacco to nicotine replacement therapy.

If you or your loved ones are struggling with tobacco addiction then consult our de-addiction treatment for eliminating the challenges of nicotine replacement therapy at Nasha Mukti Kendra in India. Also, contact our mental health professionals at AFL wellness rehabilitation centre today at +91 93101 49912.   

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